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He's Here!!!

So, Kayden finally made an appearance on Sunday, Sept 20 after many hours of labor. We went in and were admitted to the hospital on Friday and finally delivered on Sunday at 12:01 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. It was a long couple days, but well worth it. On Tuesday we were able to leave the hospital and finally come home. After spending 5 days in the hospital it was nice to sleep in my own bed and shower in my own bathroom.
Kayden has been a ton of fun. He does the typical newborn schedule, sleeps all day and is up all night. Hopefully we'll be able to get that flip around and on a regular schedule soon. We took him to the dr. yesterday and he's doing well, they are concerned with his weight loss, so we are going to take him back in Saturday and Monday to see what is weight is, if he's lost anymore weight then we'll have to consider supplementing his feedings. I'll keep you posted on how the next two appointments go.


Still No Baby!

Well, there's still no baby. Had the procedure done yesterday and that started the contractions, but didn't put me into active labor. So, if I don't go into the hospital tonight with more intense contractions, she'll induce me tomorrow. Still, with any luck, we'll have a baby before the weekend. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that there will be a baby before Sat!


Baby Before the Weekend???

I had a dr. apt today and there's good news, I finally can see the light at the end of the tunnel! The dr. is sending me in tomorrow for a procedure that will help put me into labor. She doesn't think I'll deliver tomorrow, but most likely we'll have a baby by Friday! Yahoo!!! We'll update you tomorrow and again this weekend.


Final Ultrasound

I had an ultrasound this morning and I'm pretty sure it will be my last one since the baby is due so soon. The dr. wanted to have the fluid around the baby measured and wanted to verify his size. He isn't too big, he's averaged out, thankfully. He is measuring 7 lbs 15 oz, and ultrasounds usually overestimate weight, so it's likely he'll be smaller than that at birth. I have a dr. apt. this week, so I'll update you then. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that this baby comes before the end of the week! We're anxious to meet the little guy!


Another Dr. Apt Today!

I had another dr. apt today and things are going well. I'm dilated to 1.5 cm, which isn't much more progress than last week, but I'll take it, even small progress is progress, right? So, we'll see how this next week goes. I have an ultrasound on Monday and another dr. apt. on Wed and with any luck, I'll be able to cancel them and share even bigger news with you guys before then! Take care and check back often!



Ok, so I really wanted to have the baby today, but it doesn't appear that is going to happen. He's too cozy in there. Not sure he realizes there is more room out here than there is in my belly, but what can I say, this little guy is a little stubborn I guess. How cool would it have been to have a birthday of 9-9-09??? It would have been pretty awesome. Oh, well, I guess this little guy will come out when he's ready, not when I am!!!


Jello Pool

Last weekend we had a jello pool! The girls had a blast, just take a look at the pictures. What kid wouldn't love to swim and play in jello and not get in trouble for it? This gives a whole new meaning to playing with your food.


2 Weeks To Go!

Went to the dr today and things are moving forward, slowly, but that's better then having things at a stand still, I suppose. I'm dialated to a 1. I have another apt next week and an ultrasound the week after, with any luck I'll have to cancel those appointments! :) Keep your fingers crossed, We're very ready to meet this little guy. Take care and I'll fill you in with any updates.