Kayden's First Craft Project
Yesterday my mom, sister and I took the kids to Ben Franklin by my parents house and signed them up for a craft project. It was a lot of fun watching Kayden paint his project. I don't have any pictures of him painting because I forgot my camera and I'm pretty bummed out about it. But, here is a picture of the finished product! Cute, isn't it?
Christy bought a trampoline for the kids to enjoy, so before the kids could start jumping on it, it had to be assembled. So, we all got out there and started putting the thing together. Here are some pictures of the whole process.
Kayden Pics w/ My New Camera
I had an opportunity yesterday to take some pictures of Kayden with my new camera and I have to say, I'm in love with it. I just love the clarity of the pictures. So fun, it also helps that I have a cute person to photograph!

Birthday Present!
I had a big birthday this past week and all I wanted was a new camera, so I was super happy to find this in a gift bag under all the tissue paper! Thanks, Kyle, Kayden, Cindy & Jim! I am super excited to learn how to use this monster. :)
Swimming Pool
On Tuesday we had such nice weather so to take advantage of it I filled up our little baby pool and Charlie and Kayden went "swimming". They had a good time even though the pool was a little small!

I am really losing faith that we'll have much of a summer, it is already the end of June and we haven't had too many nice, warm days. I hope I am wrong, but so far things aren't looking too promising. So everyone keep your fingers crossed that the nice weather is just on the other side of the Fourth of July!
California Trip
The three of us went down to California last week for Papa Bruce's funeral, although it was a sad time, we still enjoyed our visit. We got to see a lot of family and spend time with them, which was great. Kayden really enjoyed playing with some kids his age.
Aunt Wendy and Uncle John have a pet turtle named, Go Home Gary. So they brought him over and we got to play and hold him. It was fun.
On Saturday we were lucky enough to take Kayden to the Santa Ana Zoo, it is a very small, but perfect size for us since we didn't have a stroller. Little man had to walk or we had to carry him so the size of the zoo was perfect for us. They had a ton of monkeys and birds. They also have llama's, a cow and a horse, some goats and a train ride that we took Kayden on.
Overall, even though it was a sad reason to go to California, we still made the best of the time we had down there. Here are some pictures of our trip!

Salt Water State Park
Well, the weather man's prediction of nice and hot weather today was wrong (shocking!), but we didn't let that cancel our plans of going to the beach this afternoon. Cindy, Jim, Charlie, Kyle, Kayden and I went to the beach even though it turned grey right before we left the house. We were all hoping the sun would show back up, but it didn't. It was a bit disappointing, but we all still had a great time. Kayden and Charlie loved playing in the sand. Kayden was filling up his bucket with rocks, sand, and a few random things he found on the beach. At one point his pail was so heavy he had to drag it behind him. It was too cute.
Charlie loved lifting up the rocks and looking for all the crabs. She even held one, which was fun to see. And even though the weather was a bit cloudy, that didn't stop the kids (and maybe an adult or two!) from putting their feet in the water, brrrr, it was cold.

It was just a really fun time at the beach. Can't wait for the sun to shine so we can make more visits to the local beaches. Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.
Corn on the Cob
The other night Kyle and I had corn on the cob with our dinner. It was really yummy. Kayden thought it was pretty funny to watch Kyle eating it, he just looked at Kyle and started laughing. It was pretty funny & cute. Well, after seeing how Kyle was eating the corn, Kayden decided he would like some, which is rather unusualy since the kid doesn't usually eat dinner, so we gave him a small piece and he went to town on it. Here are a couple pictures of him eating it!

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