He survived preschool with flying colors and he loved every minute of it. If only I could have gotten some better pictures of him during the ceremony and afterwards, but I have to remind myself he is pretty ornery when it comes to getting his picture taken, so I should be grateful I got what I got.
Since this graduation has ended, we have attended Kindergarten open house and his Kindergarten assessment and both *almost* had me crying! Kindergarten, already? Come on.
Honestly, I have no idea where the last five years have gone....play dates, three years of preschool, making new friends, making a new house a home, I suppose, but I never expected to see Kindergarten come so soon. Ugh.
So, here's to a fun and crazy summer before the real schooling begins!
I tried my hardest to convince Kayden to wear a suit, but he just wouldn't. Stubborn child of mine.
They had a talent show for the kids after the ceremony, it was so stinkin' cute.
Apparently I was the only one who heard the photographer (Christy, maybe?) yell "funny faces".