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Family Pictures 2018

Well, this year is no different than any other year for us, we did family pictures and they turned out great.  We were fortunate enough to not have to reschedule because of weather, since it was so nice out.  We have really been lucky this fall to have such great weather, loving these bright, brisk, fall days!
Here are some of my favorite ones.


Olympic Game Farm

Over spring break...back in the beginning of April, we took a mini trip to Sequim and spent a day at the Olympic Game Farm.  And some time just hanging out together, as a family. 

Kyle packed Kayden's scooter so we found a pretty cool skate park for Kayden, and there was a fun park next to the skate park too, which he liked.  I have to admit, it was waaaay too cold for me to get out of the car, so I watched from a distance.

Our only full day was spent at the Olympic Game Farm.  We really couldn't have asked for better weather, and all the animals were out and very active.  Most begged for bread a little too close to your window, while others were kind enough to let you throw it in their direction.  Some of the animals were behind fences, while others had free range.

I have to admit, I was *slightly* terrified of the free range, large animals, mostly of the elk and bison species and their aggression towards getting what they wanted...which was the 3-4 loaves of bread we had inside the car.  Kyle thought it would be hilarious to roll my window down and lock the power button so I couldn't roll it up.  I know this wouldn't have been a problem if we had manual windows handles, like the good ol' days. Darn modern luxuries.

I truly thought Kayden was going to be scared too, but he LOVED it!  We drove through twice per his request. 

If you ever have a chance to go, I'd recommend it.  There are so many animals and they're pretty active....maybe too active?  I won't divulge more, just go for yourself and see what you think!


Horn Rapids Race Weekend

I finally tagged along on the boys race weekend, after months and months (if not years) of Kyle encouraging me to go, and I'm really glad I did.  We left Friday evening and returned home late last night.  We went east of the mountains, and the weather was a perfect 65 and sunny.

Kayden raced so well yesterday!  He competed in three moto's and placed, 3rd, 7th and 8th out of twenty-ish riders in each race.  And one of the races he competed in was with his new, bigger bike, so he was racing against, bigger, older kids, and I have to say, he did well.

It is so amazing to watch Kayden out there on the track.  He gets in a zone and goes for it.  No fear. No worries.  No distractions.  He races and he races with gusto and guts.  I love watching him have such a love for something and grateful he found it at such a young age.  Dirt bike riding is by far his first love and I can see it being that way forever!

So extra proud of him.


Arenacross Awards Banquet

Last Friday we attended Kayden's awards banquet for the Areancross series. 

Kayden won third and fifth place in the two classes he raced in.  He had fun being there and accepting his trophies. 

It is a fun experience to watch him get excited over earning his much deserved trophies.  He loves motor bike riding so much and I'm grateful he has found something he enjoys at such a young age.


Snow Day

We had an unexpected, and unnecessary, snow day today.  There was very little snow out, but the district cancelled school.  Which I wasn't thrilled about.  We had to make up so many school days last year that it was almost the end of June before we got out of school for the summer, and if we can avoid that this year, I'd be one happy mama.

Kayden, on the other hand, was ecstatic about the snow day today.  He doesn't fully understand that we make those days up at the end of the year!  Our district doesn't build snow days into the calendar, like some other districts do, which means they get tacked on to the end of the school year.

Anyway, we got out there before the snow melted and had a little fun in the slush.  The snow was less like powder and more like a home made snow cone.  Instead of flakes, they were little pellets of ice.  Made for an interesting time trying to make a snowball, but we managed OK.

It warmed up quite a bit while we were playing and you could hear the snow falling off the trees and branches and hitting the ground.


Snoqualmie Falls

In November we took a spontaneous day trip to Snoqualmie Falls.  We thought with all the recent rain and the colder weather that is fall in the PNW, the waterfall would be full and gushing, and it was, just not as full as we thought it would be, which was fine.  It still made for a great day trip.  We hadn't planned on hiking the small 3 mile round trip trail that lead to the bottom, but Kayden really wanted to, so we thought, why not?

Then on the way home, we stopped in the small town of Gold Bar (which happens to be the same town where our family pictures were taken this year!), and grabbed some pizza, which was a really sketchy place.  I think a majority of their orders are either take out or delivery, but since we were just driving through town we decided to dine in.  Eek.  I'm pretty sure the carpets hadn't been cleaned since the building was built in, oh, I don't know, the mid 1900's, let alone vacuumed, the tables were a tad bit wobbly, and the chairs were probably once designed for a dr's office, or formal living space, but if I had to guess, I'd say they were second hand store purchases or garage sale finds.  And trust me, I have no problem shopping either of those places, but the legs on these chairs were a little, lets say, uneven, loose, not secure, but hey, the pizza was good.  They also had a few arcade games, mostly car racing games, that were for purchase, in case you're in the market to buy an arcade game and pizza in the same trip.  They also had a few vending machines, mostly empty, but you could purchase bottled water and canned soda.  And if my memory serves me right, they also had a few spots full of candy and gum.

Anyway, it felt good to get some fresh air and explore some places that are in "our backyard".  Spontaneous day trips are always fun and always memorable!