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Doctor Appointments

Hey there, guys, just wanted to update you on Kayden. He's doing well. We have an apt. tomorrow to make sure he is still gaining weight, so everyone keep their fingers crossed that he is still gaining.
On Friday we went to Children's hospital to get an ultrasound on his kidneys. I had a two vessel umbilical cord and a normal pregnancy has three, so the dr. wanted us to get an ultrasound done on his kidneys because kids with a two vessel cord often times have problems with their kidneys. The ultrasound tech wouldn't tell us anything except that he has two kidneys, so that is a good starting point. I'm hoping the dr. will have the ultrasound results tomorrow when I go in. I'll update you once we get the results. I tell ya what though, compared to so many of those kids at the hospital we saw, we sure are lucky and have no room for complaints with Kayden. He is very healthy and happy and we couldn't have asked for a better baby.

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