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Two Months, Already!

Can you believe it, Kayden is already two months old, crazy how fast time goes by. Everyone tells you how fast they grow, but it's hard to believe how fast it really goes by until it happens to you! I've enjoyed every minute of being a mother and I know Kyle has just loved being a dad. He just can't wait for Kayden to get big enough to play with and chase around the house. I know Kyle is looking forward to being a big kid himself (and have an excuse to be!)and can't wait for Kayden to start engaging in "big boy" activities. I know I can wait for Kayden to grow up, I want him to stay little for as long as possible. I just love his innocence and all his sweetness. He's just so stinkin' handsome and although I can wait for him to grow up, I can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be. The pictures that accompany this post were taken on his 2 month birthday, last Friday! Hope everyone has a tasteful Turkey Day and check back soon as I'll post pictures of Kayden on his first Thanksgiving!

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