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Kayden's 1st Birthday!

We had a great time celebrating Kayden's first birthday. His great papa and nana come up from California, as well as, his great Aunt Cathy! We all had a great time celebrating his big 0-1 birthday. Kayden also did so well over the weekend with having everyone here. He hardly took any naps, he had cameras flashing all around him and he was in good spirits the whole time. He can be such a trooper. Kayden got a lot of great toys, and he can't wait to dig into them all. Now it is time to go through his old toys and pass on the ones that might be a little too young for him. Everyone warned us that he would get an abundance of toys, but Kyle and I had no idea until Saturday. I take him to the dr. tomorrow for his big 1 year check up. I'll keep you posted on how that goes. I still can't believe he is already one, the time really does fly. Since today is his real birthday, we thought we'd extend the birthday fun by going out to dinner. We took Kayden to Red Robin and had family meet us there. We weren't sure how he'd respond to the birthday singing, but he was fine with it, just a little confused I think, not really understanding why there are a bunch of people standing around him, clapping their hands and singing to him, but he got over that really fast when we fed him ice cream!
Here are some pictures of the birthday festivities.

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