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Tots Gymnastics

I signed Kayden up for a tots gymnastic class, and there was a little mishap, so we were a little late.  When I registered over the phone they told me it was at one location, so we showed up (Kyle, Cindy, Jim, Kayden & myself) we were told it was a different location, so I was a little annoyed with that, but whatever.  We got there only a few minutes late and missed probably half of the instructions, but we had it figured out pretty fast.

So, anyway, Kayden was reluctant at first, but ended up loving it.  He is really an observer first and then if it seems fun and/or interesting he's all for it.  His teacher, Miss Emily, is a really good and high energy teacher, which is perfect for a group of kids.  She wasn't afraid to help the kids out when they needed and absolutely made it a big deal when they did something right.  She really is great for this position. 

Kayden loved this "mountain", it is a large wedge where you run down it and then jump on a spring onto a big block.  That and the hanging bars were his favorites.  He really got into it.  At the end of the class I asked him if he had fun and he told me no, but I think he was just being a turkey, he loved every minute of it.

Well, here are the pictures of our fun morning.

Here is the large wedge i.e, mountain, I was talking about.  You run down it and then jump on a spring board onto the big block.
Here he is jumping on the spring board.  Of course he doesn't weight enough for the board to move at all, but he loved it anyway.

1 comment:

  1. 10 10 10 10 10 perfect score from the judges! Love u ACE!
