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Humming Bird House

For the past several months Kayden has been obsessed with making humming bird houses, he uses blocks, manipulates the kitchen cabinet doors into a humming bird house, uses shoes, paper, any and everything can be made into a humming bird house.  So, a couple weeks ago the three of us went to a craft store and Kyle threw a bird house into the cart and said Kayden would have fun decorating it. 

If you know me, you know I am not fond of painting.  I think it is messy, it stains and takes too long to dry, so I generally leave painting stuff to other people, but today I went to the craft store for a few things they had on sale.  Two of the things they had were foam paint brushes, 14 for $1 and small bottles of craft paint for a good price.  I like using the foam paint brushes for Mod Podge, so I wanted to pick some of those up for myself and some for my mom, along with the paint for my mom.  Well, while I was there, I figured it was a nice day outside, why not let Kayden go outside and paint the bird house Kyle threw in the cart a couple weeks ago.  So, I let him pick three colors of paint, he picked yellow, blue and green.

Once we got home, he changed his mind and wanted to use pink, yellow and blue instead, I didn't think my mom would mind us opening her paint, so we went for it.

Here is the artist in action!

I got a new camera lens for my birthday and was having super fun with it, hence all the bluriness!  Love it!

After being outside for about ten minutes or so, Charlie came outside to paint also.  I didn't have another bird house, but I did have an extra canvas so I let her paint on that!  Her project turned out cute.

And here are the finished projects!  Aren't they cute???  The projects are cute too! 

We hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine too.  It felt great to get outside today and enjoy the sun.

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