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Kayden's Three!

As many, if not all, of you know, Kayden just recently celebrated his third birthday on Thursday and celebrated yesterday with a big monster themed party!  It was a big hit and I think everyone had a great time.  The weather started off a little cold and gloomy, but ended up clearing up and getting warm, so we were able to do a majority of the party outside!  YAHOO for that.  All the kids have so much more fun out there and the parents enjoy it too.

Here are a few of the things I made for the party! 

These monster candy jars are adapted from this on Pinterest!  You know how much I love Pinterest and most of my ideas for the party came from there.
Monster Munch in little Monster goody bags that I found at Target this Summer.  How cute are they???  Monster Munch recipe came again, from Here on Pinterest. 
 Little water bottles also from Target this summer.  Gotta love their dollar spot!
I made this Happy Birthday Banner, but after I hung it up I wish I would have made it bigger.  It looked a little small on there.
The table cloth looks a little white/grey, but it was actually green.  Christy came over early and put those little monsters all over.  Thanks, Christy!
I love these.  They are white chocolate covered marshmallows with hair made out of frosting and edible eyes!  Need I say they were from here on Pinterest?
These were probably one of the easier things to make.  I got self adhesive googly eyes and just put them on hershey kisses.  From here.
Monster Magic Cookie Dough Dip.  This was an awesome recipe and when you used a Nilla Wafer as a dipping spoon, it was even more delish!  Recipe here.
Love this little monster guy on the door.  He was the scariest monster at the party.  Well, unless you count a few of the melt downs from the kids.  Just kidding.  Here was the inspiration.

Christy made these awesome monster cupcakes.  Of course they were oh so yummy!  
I made these pictures holders from two clothes pins.  I love this picture of Kayden too. This idea I came up with on my own, no help from pinterest.  LOL
These balloons were hung with fishing line and it amazed some people.  I love fishing line because you can barely see it and it is strong.  It took me an hour or two each night for about four days to blow up all the balloons, but it turned out cute.  I loved it so much more when I added the streamers.  Thank you, Christy and Cindy for the help!  here is where I got the idea.
 Picture of the overall Goody Bag Table.
 My mom made these pillows, got the idea, of course from pinterest here.
Another Pinterest idea.  Kayden didn't like this little guy, he kept telling me, "no, mommy, I no like it" and tried to take it off.  I think he turned out cute.  Here is where I got the idea.  I think I might try and leave it on there until after Halloween, that is unless Kayden tears it down!

Here are some pictures of the party itself.  I wasn't able to take as many pictures as I would have liked, but it is hard work being a hostess!  :)  Here are a few pictures.

 The sandbox was a big hit!  All the kids loved it.

The older girl with brown hair is Marin, Kayden's girlfriend and my niece, Katie's, best friend.  Kayden just loves her and follows her around every where she goes.  At one point Kayden had come inside the house with Marin to get something to eat and wouldn't go back outside until Marin was holding his hand.  It's all too cute.  Kayden will even tell you, "Marin my girlfriend".  We'll be sitting at the table eating lunch and he'll look at me and say that.  It's too cute.

This is my best friends daughter, she just turned five and started kindergarten this year.  She is way too cute.
And here is the last picture I have to share.  Austin and Kayden playing in the sandbox together.  Austin was in charge of the wheelbarrow and started rolling away with it and Kayden looked at him and said, "Austin, share with me!".  Very cute.

Overall it was a great party.  I was scrabbling around to get everything done in time, but like most things, it all worked out and I even had about a half hour to spare.  We had 17 kids and even more adults, so a houseful!  I'm already started to think of next years party!

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