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Glow Stick-ing (As Kyle called it)

Last night Kayden wanted to turn off all the lights.  I have yet to meet another child who loves the dark as much as Kayden, he loves playing around with all the lights off!  He wonders around just giggling, thinking it is the funniest thing ever!  So, I thought it would be fun to show him how glow sticks really work.  He has played with them over the summer, but not with as much darkness as we had last night and he just LOVED it!  It was so much fun watching him have fun!  We played with the glow sticks for a good 45 minutes until it was time to put our pj's on and get ready for bed!

While playing with the glow sticks I got the idea to grab my camera and leave the shutter open for extended periods of time, I played around with it and did three seconds all the way up to thirty seconds!  I think the pictures turned out really cool!

It was a lot of fun playing with the glow sticks!  It'll be something we do again and again, I'm sure!  And I love how cheap glow sticks are now.  I remember when I was younger they seemed to be more expensive.  Now you can get 15 for $1 at Targets dollar spot!  Can't go wrong with that. 

Kayden even wanted to sleep with them last night.  I wasn't interested in arguing with him about it and figured it really couldn't hurt much, so Kyle and I agreed and we never heard a peep out of him.  When he woke up this morning he had lost one of the purple ones and asked where it was, "momma, where other purple one?"  Thankfully we found it hiding under monkey!  Kayden then gathered all five of the glow sticks that he slept with and nicely placed them in one spot in his crib.  I don't think he realizes they will have stopped working by the time he goes to bed tonight!  Thankfully we have five more to replace them! 

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