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Seal Beach

On our first, full day in San Diego we went to Seal Beach.  (Not sure if that is the real name of the beach or if Kyle made it up since the beach is littered with seals, but I'm going with it.)

Before we could make our way down to the dock to see the seals we stopped to smell the roses, ok, maybe just flowers.

And make a funny, stick-out-your-tongue, picture.

Oh, and play in the minimal sand piles they had at the top of the cliff.  Knowing full well, that there is all the sand in the world at the bottom of the cliff, aka the beach.

And finally, with many stops and much needed delays, we finally made it to see the seals. 

And because one seal looks strikingly similar to the next seal, I will keep you from having to scroll through all 15 pictures I took of the seals and bring it back to the main attraction that is Kayden.

We braved the rock obstacles and made it down to the beach, and Kayden loved it.  He loved playing in the sand, finding seaweed and throwing it in the ocean and he loved being able to run around.

The weather was really windy and we actually got rained on after being there for a while, but that's ok.  We were on our way back to the car anyway and our trip to the beach was coming to an end, so the timing of the rain was rather perfect.  Can't say that about the rain we experienced at Legoland.  Hope to have that post tomorrow.

Asking daddy to run with him, see his arms in the picture above?  Those are his running arms.
And we'll end this post with a family picture.  Hope to have another post sometime tomorrow.

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