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Fourth of July

Wow, it is July 5th and I'm already posting about the fourth of July, that my friends is a small miracle, considering it usually takes me a week or more to get a post up.  BUT, that is what happens when you are awake and your almost-four-year-old is still get things done!  Haha

So, we had two fourth of July's... kinda.  Every year Emerald Downs, local horse racing track, puts on a fireworks show.  There are several places you can park outside of the track where you can watch and see the fireworks, Kyle and I have been watching them for years.  And as a matter of fact, I use to work at a place close to the track, so I use to step outside and watch them even before I met Kyle! 

Anyway, the last several years we have had a little fourth of July party in one of the parking lots close to the track and it has been so fun, what use to be just me and Kyle, has grown to be more than ten adults and kids.  Each family brings an array of snacks, drinks, chairs and bug spray!  It is so much fun, I love watching the kids run around and have fun.  Their excitement almost too much for them to control. 

Kyle and Dean usually bring sparklers and pop-its for the kids to play with and this year we brought some floating wish lanterns too.

 Even Ranger joined us for his first Fourth of July.  And he did awesome.

The wish lantern.  The kids were so excited for them, and I was too.

 And then the fireworks start.  We don't get the best view, but we get to see them peeking through the trees, and we are happy with that.

It was a late night, but this is our official start to the Fourth of July. 

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