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Ocean Trip 2013

For the last three summers we have either gone to the Ocean for the weekend or just for the day and each year we have a great time. 

This year we ended up just going for the day and the weather ended up being overcast, but not cold, which is nice around here.  Our beaches are usually very cold and windy, even in the summer, so to have a day where the weather was enjoyable is a nice change.

Like the last three years, we have met our friends, Heather and Tommy and their two kids.  It is so nice for Kayden to have someone his age to play with.  We played in the sand, the water and flew kites.  Walked through the Biker Festival, that was fun.  Lot of different booths with Biker attire and accessories.  Went to the arcade and did bumper cars and mini gold, both rather challenging with young children, but fun nonetheless.


Love this little guy.
I will probably curse myself for admitting this out loud, but this guy is getting easier and easier to parent everyday.  Three has been hard, but I feel like four is going to bring new and exciting things for Kayden and his growing as a boy.  He's learned how to use his words, explain what he wants/needs, can follow a list of instructions and, generally, does what is asked.  Can't wait to see wait four has in store for us.

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