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Playing in the Leaves

Kayden is a great helper, and always has been, he'll ask to help unload the dishwasher, sweep, vacuum, make dinner, he is always so eager to help and I love that about him. 

Kyle was outside today doing yard work and Kayden was anxious to help.  He would sweep up a large pile of leaves into his long arms and throw them into the yard waste can.  He isn't quite tall enough to reach the can, but he does try very hard and although most leaves don't find their way into the waste can, instead back on the ground, it doesn't discourage him....or us.  We are just thankful for his eagerness to always wanting to help.

Today, although I hadn't intended on getting pictures, the beautiful weather and Kayden's great mood made me want to sneak in a few pictures.  So, I did.

 These leaves DID NOT make it in the yard waste can, instead they were thrown at me!

And...he's had enough.  Time to put the camera away.

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