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Making Valentines Craft

The other day Kayden and I sat down and made Valentine crafts.  My idea was to cut out hearts and have him decorate them as he sees fit, however, it didn't exactly work out that way.  And that's ok.  Instead, he wanted to make pumpkins (which is what we did in Oct.), so I said, "why not?", so he made pumpkins while I made hearts.

And it all worked out just fine.  He did end up coming on my side with the hearts and gave up with the pumpkins, which was fun.  He really gets into this arts and crafts stuff.  He isn't really into sitting down and coloring from a coloring book, but you throw some scissors and glue in front of him and you have his attention all day!

So, here are pictures from our Valentine craft.

 Picking out make pumpkins.

 He finally saw it my way and wanted to make hearts!
And one of his finished hearts!  After we finished the decorating we went around the house and placed them all over.  My idea was the hang them from the ceiling, but he wanted to place them all over, and that is A-OK.  So, Happy Valentines Day, All!

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