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Mrs. Erickson

The Director at Kayden's preschool is Mrs. Erickson, and we absolutely love her!  She has won us over by loving Kayden, the preschool, and the students.  She takes pride in what she does and the care she has for the students is overwhelming.

Last week was her birthday, and I wanted to celebrate her by giving her a special gift.  I thought, and thought and was having a difficult time coming up with "just the right gift".  Then it hit me, why don't I have Kayden paint her a canvas with her name on it.

So, I got to work.  Got the supplies, turned to my not-so-trusty silhouette, almost had a meltdown when it wouldn't turn on.  Called tech support, ordered a new ac adapter, borrowed a friends silhouette power cord, and finally got to work on picking the perfect font and finally, cutting out MRS ERICKSON, in vinyl letters.

Took great measures in making sure it was straight and let Kayden have at it.  Mind you, this didn't all happen in one day, this was the course of maybe a week!

Let the paint dry overnight and then pulled the letters off the canvas for it to reveal MRS ERICKSON.

Kayden painted the whole thing himself and loved being able to participate in the gift. 

We gave Mrs. Erickson her gift on her birthday, and later got a text from her saying, "Oh, my goodness!! The Mrs. Erickson sign is too much!! I absolutely LOVE it!! Thank you so much.  What a special gift! xxo"  We really loved making it.  Talk about a personal, special gift that even a four year old can get involved in!

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