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Swim Lessons

I hesitantly signed Kayden up for swim lessons after last years swim lessons ending with me pulling Kayden out, and me silently crying to myself wondering why my child wouldn't participate in anything!  At this point he had broken the arm rest in the dental chair, been kicked out of the eye doctor's office for not following directions and would scream at preschool when I would drop him off.  So, by the time swim lesson had come and he refused to participate, in yet another, activity, I was all but frustrated and exhausted with my defiant, strong willed three year old.  He had cracked me.

So a couple weeks ago when a friend mentioned she signed her child up for swim lessons, I thought, maybe we should try again.  Kayden had done well last summer at the swimming pool, gotten better in the bath, as long as we didn't wash his hair and was a little easier in our everyday activities.  I figured it couldn't be any worse than last year, so I signed him up.

I was prepared for Kayden to not participate in swim, refuse to get in the water and screamed with any attempt at getting him in the pool, I was ecstatic when he happily and willingly got in the pool and continued to participate the whole lesson!  Ecstatic, I tell ya!

You can see the joy on his face.  And if I would have taken a picture of my own face you would have seen the same joy on my face! 

We have had two swim lessons thus far, and have four more weeks to go.  And I can only hope the remainder of the lessons go as well as the first two have!

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