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Family Trip

We took a much needed break from unpacking and stressing over what furniture should go where and what we should keep and what should go, it was all necessary thinking and planning, but also, necessary to get away from several days to escape the stress. 

So, Kyle took a week off work and we headed to Orcas Island.  Kyle found a pretty awesome house that we ultimately rented, and this pretty awesome house had a pretty awesome trout pond in the front yard with fishing poles on the porch and power bait in the coat closet/pantry.  Kayden was in heaven. 

Not only did this awesome house have a trout pond, it also had a hammock, an enclosed fire pit with s'more ingredients included, a play set, and a small tractor tricycle.  This house had it all, and we all loved it.

We were lucky enough to have Katie come with us.  She was able to miss school for the week and join us.  It was great to have her, I just love how her and Kayden get along so well. 

And in order to get to Orcas Island you have to a ferry.  So, Kate and I (we joined the boys the day after they arrived on Orcas Island) got to the ferry terminal with a half hour to spare.  We got the last guaranteed spot!  Lucky us.  With the thirty minutes we had to goof off, I captured some fun pictures of Kate!

Here is the ferry we boarded.

So, we arrived on the island around 8:00 pm, so we headed back to the house.  Kayden was too excited to go to bed, so he showed Katie the fishing pond. The kids fished, while the adults watched and prepped s'mores.

The kids took the boat out for a little bit.  It's a small boat.

Originally I asked Kayden to try and mimic the tiki's face, but he wouldn' Katie was up to the challenge and nailed it!
And I will conclude this blog post with the pictures below and post more of our trip another day. 


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