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Family Trip Finale!

We had a great time on our trip, something I hope we can do year after year.  Kayden is still talking about the "bacation" house, and no that isn't a typo!

One day we were adventurous and did a few different small hikes and went to the national park.  He trekked the Cascade Falls trail and ended up at a beautiful waterfall.

 The pictures below are taken at the National Park. 

The kids wanted to go to a beach and play, so that's what we did.  None of us knew that Kyle was going to make us work to get there.  We hiked forever to get to the beach, it was not ideal for children or most adults, but thankfully no one got hurt or fell off the cliff.  Thankfully!

We woke up on the sad to put the trip behind us.  We all enjoyed our time so much, that we didn't want to get back home.  I value our time together and hope that Kayden will forever remember our family trips, even if it's just bits here and there! 

And here are the kids waiting for the ferry to board.

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