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The Farm

I feel like I have gotten behind in my blog posts, at the beginning of the year I wanted to post each week with one happenings of the week, but I seem to be posting things that we do the week after.  Which is fine, I suppose.  My purpose of wanting to post weekly was just to keep a log of what we do and have a timeline to look back on, so I guess being a week behind isn't too bad, right???  Right, glad you see it my way.

Ok, so with that being said, LAST weekend Kayden and I went out to "The Farm" in Snohomish with Blake and Shelley.  Both of the hubbies were busy for different reasons, so we decided to meet up and have some fun.

Our intention was to go and pick apples, but apparently apple picking has become rather popular over the last few years and because they opened apple picking the weekend before they were cleared out by the time we got there.  Thankfully, they have plenty of other activities to occupy one four year old and one five year old, so we opted to split the "Small Family Pass" and ventured out to the different hay mazes, let the kids jump on a big, orange blob and let them pet the farm animals.

Kayden and I had a birthday party to attend that afternoon so we weren't able to stay too long, unfortunately.  I can easily see families spending the day there, watching the pig races, petting the farm animals, riding different farm rides and wondering hay mazes.  They also have a pumpkin patch, but we opted to forgo pumpkin picking since that is something the Dads enjoy going to also.

My child was being pretty defiant this particular day and wouldn't let me get a picture of him and Blake without his tongue sticking out.

Oh, what do we have here?  A picture of Kayden with his tongue INSIDE his mouth, but that's because I piggy backed on Shelley's photo session and not because he was cooperating with ME.

We had a great time at The Farm and would be happy to go back year after year.  We had great weather and the kids really had a great time!

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