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Santa Picture

"Hey, Kayden, we are going to see Santa in a couple days so we will want to write him a letter of the things you want to ask him for Christmas and take it to him."

"Ok, but I AM NOT sitting on his lap."  Kayden responded

"That is fine, maybe you can just stand next to him and get your picture taken."

"Yeah, that sounds like a great idea."  Kayden replied happily!  And I think, yeah right.

So, now it is the night of going to see Santa and Kayden is so excited.  We have our letter in hand and we are ready.

There is no line and that is awesome.  We go straight up to Santa and he starts talking to Kayden and Kayden responds.  Telling Santa that he has been a good boy and he wants a "trampoline for inside AND outside" for Christmas.

And then the moment comes when it is time to sit on Santa's lap, and I think, this is not going to go well, this is the moment where Kayden will start getting anxious and the tears will follow shortly after and this happy moment will be coming to an end.  My brain starts frantically trying to find things to calm Kayden to let him know that we just need to get one picture and it'll be fast.  I think of mentioning the candy cane Santa will give him, but know Kayden well enough to know that nothing will convince him to do something he doesn't want to do (which might come in handy in the future, I hope!).

Then, Santa motions for Kayden to sit on his lap.  And what do you know, Kayden does just that and happily!  So, without further adieu, here is this years Santa picture.

I do have to add, that this was about take number six!  There was something wrong with every other picture taken, and Kayden never once complained, just sat there smiling.  I can say that this years Santa experience turned out great!  YAHOO.

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