Not So Good News
Had my weekly apt. today and everything is looking good, just not a lot of progress, baby is in the right position, he's just not really ready to come out. At least, that's the dr's words, not mine. If you ask me, he's so ready to come out! She did tell me that she's not sure she'll be inducing me on my due date like she told me a couple weeks ago, we'll discuss more next week. That completely bummed me out, I'm so ready to not be pregnant anymore! Everyone keep their fingers crossed that this baby will come sooner rather than later!!! I'll update you more next week.
I had an ultrasound today and they are estimating the baby to be 7.1 lbs, which isn't so bad. I have three weeks left and they say they grow about a half pound a week, so we're looking at around an 8.5 lb baby. The technician had indicated they are usually over on guessing the weight, so there's a possiblity he is smaller than she indicated. It's said that the baby grows about a half pound a week from this point forward, so even if he grew a half pound, he'll be somewhere around 8.5 lbs, which is ok. The ultrasound tech indicated the baby has a lot of hair, any guesses on the color, blonde, brown????
I have an apt tomorrow with the dr., so I'll update you tomorrow on how it went.
Went to the Doctor yesterday!
I went to the dr yesterday and things are looking good. Still have four weeks before my due date, but with any luck this little guy will come a little early. I'm hoping for a week early, but we'll see. Time will tell. The dr. will induce me on my due date if I haven't delivered yet, so I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! It's been so warm here lately that I've been getting pretty cranky and uncomfortable. Can't wait for the fall and the cooler weather.
Another Great Shower
I had another great shower today. My aunt threw me one at her house on the lake and it was great. The kids got to play in the water, Kyle took them out on the paddle boat, and I got to relax and enjoy my time there. The view is awesome and very relaxing. It was nice to chat with everyone. The shower was great and I got some more great things. Can't wait for the little guy to arrive so we can start using it all. Less than 5 weeks to go, and trust me, I'm counting down the days! :)
I came into work this morning to a huge surprise! My department through me a baby shower. They decorated the department, had a food table and gifts surrounding me, it's awesome. I work with some great people.
We finally had the opportunity to go through all the gifts last night. Kyle couldn't believe all the great things we got. It's amazing how much love and support we have from all our friends and family. We can't wait for the little guy to arrive so we can use all the great things we got!!!

Welcome and thank you for visiting! We are excited to create this blog so you can see Kayden grow from a little guy to a toddler and on up. We'll post updates, stories, pictures and video on here as soon as the little guy arrives. We are ecstatic to share his life with you and look forward to communicating through this blog. Add it to your favorites and check back often.
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