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I had an ultrasound today and they are estimating the baby to be 7.1 lbs, which isn't so bad. I have three weeks left and they say they grow about a half pound a week, so we're looking at around an 8.5 lb baby. The technician had indicated they are usually over on guessing the weight, so there's a possiblity he is smaller than she indicated. It's said that the baby grows about a half pound a week from this point forward, so even if he grew a half pound, he'll be somewhere around 8.5 lbs, which is ok. The ultrasound tech indicated the baby has a lot of hair, any guesses on the color, blonde, brown???? I have an apt tomorrow with the dr., so I'll update you tomorrow on how it went.

1 comment:

  1. I guess ACE will have curly blond hair! Can't wait to meet the little guy.....oxoxox
