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He's Here!!!

So, Kayden finally made an appearance on Sunday, Sept 20 after many hours of labor. We went in and were admitted to the hospital on Friday and finally delivered on Sunday at 12:01 pm. He weighed in at a whopping 8 lbs 9 oz and 20 inches long. It was a long couple days, but well worth it. On Tuesday we were able to leave the hospital and finally come home. After spending 5 days in the hospital it was nice to sleep in my own bed and shower in my own bathroom.
Kayden has been a ton of fun. He does the typical newborn schedule, sleeps all day and is up all night. Hopefully we'll be able to get that flip around and on a regular schedule soon. We took him to the dr. yesterday and he's doing well, they are concerned with his weight loss, so we are going to take him back in Saturday and Monday to see what is weight is, if he's lost anymore weight then we'll have to consider supplementing his feedings. I'll keep you posted on how the next two appointments go.


  1. Wellcome to the family Kayden James! (ACE)
    You are so darn cute! We can't wait to come and meet you. :)

    Kyle & Jennifer you two are awesome and we are very happy you got your healthy bundle of love!
    Uncle and I are very proud of you two! Way to go Kaydens mommy & daddy! You did good! :)

  2. Ok so the bottom picture of ACE is my favorite so far!!!!!!! :) Great Uncle said "now that's a good looking boy" & "if he grows into those paws Kyle will have his hands full!" :)

  3. Hi Jennifer and Kyle. What great photos and a wonderful way to keep us all apprised of what's happening with the newest member of the family. Please know that we're sending you lots of love from the northern CA coast! Auntie Cathy and Uncle Phil :-)

  4. Kayden James - our sweet Prince! Your entire family is unbelievably excited that you are here! You have the best new parents a baby could hope for!

    Just remember, when they tell you "no", you come & see me and I'll tell you "YES, my little Prince!".
    I love you all!

    - Aunt Sissy (Christy)

  5. Adorable! He just gets cuter by the day!

