First Turkey Day!
Hi there, hope everyone had a great Turkey Day! Kyle and I enjoyed our time over at my parents house, we ate and played poker. We had a good time, even if we didn't do too well at poker. Here's a picture of Kayden getting his Thanksgiving Dinner, he sure did seem to enjoy it! Can't wait for next year when he can actually eat some of the food, I'm sure he's going to love it. Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving and are having a great weekend. 

Two Months, Already!
Can you believe it, Kayden is already two months old, crazy how fast time goes by. Everyone tells you how fast they grow, but it's hard to believe how fast it really goes by until it happens to you! I've enjoyed every minute of being a mother and I know Kyle has just loved being a dad. He just can't wait for Kayden to get big enough to play with and chase around the house. I know Kyle is looking forward to being a big kid himself (and have an excuse to be!)and can't wait for Kayden to start engaging in "big boy" activities. I know I can wait for Kayden to grow up, I want him to stay little for as long as possible. I just love his innocence and all his sweetness. He's just so stinkin' handsome and although I can wait for him to grow up, I can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be. The pictures that accompany this post were taken on his 2 month birthday, last Friday! Hope everyone has a tasteful Turkey Day and check back soon as I'll post pictures of Kayden on his first Thanksgiving!
Kayden's New Favorite Thing
Papa Boo's Visit
Kayden's Great Papa "Boo" Bruce visisted last weekend from California and we had a great time and lots of fun. It is Papa Boo's first great grandson and you could tell how proud he was. It's too bad we all don't live closer to each other, but I guess that's what makes these visits so special and enjoyable. Papa Boo and all the other family members are more than welcome to come and visit anytime. We really enjoy the time they spend up here with us.
Thanks to Papa, Kayden has officially played his first game of poker! How many 7 week olds can say that! :)
Happy Halloween!
Hey there, hope everyone had a fun and safe Halloween. We sure did. We had a great time with Katie and Charlie. We started off the night visiting some family friends and of course the grandparents too. Once we finished up there we (my Mom, Christy, Dean, Charlie, Kyle, Katie, Kayden and me) went to the mall only to be a bit disappointed that most of the stores were out of candy. I think next year we'll go to the mall first and then make our rounds to all the family friends and relatives. Once we finished up with the mall we headed home to take the girls around the neighborhood. We had a good time! Hope you enjoyed your Halloween. Take care.
Too Funny - A Must Read!
So, funny story to share with everyone! It's going to make you laugh, I know it did me. Kyle and I had gone to get Kayden's pictures taken today and after we finished up with the pictures Kayden had fallen asleep and was still asleep when we got home. Once Kayden woke up it was time to feed him, so Kyle got Kayden out of his car seat and realized how hot he was so we took of his pants to help him cool off. We got a bottle ready and Kyle sat down to feed Kayden. All of a sudden Kayden starts straining and we all know what he was doing, not only did his face tell all, but it was juicy, I know, too much information, but I'm just trying to set the scene for you guys. So, anyway, back to the story, Kyle moved his hand away from Kaydens thigh and that is when Kyle realized Kayden had blown out of his diaper and pooped on his hand. It gets funnier, not only had Kayden pooped on Kyle's hand, he also pooped on Kyle's jean and on the couch. One thing you should know about Kyle and that is from the first time we found out I was pregnant Kyle's fully expressed how terrified of poopy diapers he is, so for Kayden to poop on him is just too funny. Kyle was so disgusted, which to be honest, most people would be, but the look on Kyle's face made you wish you had a camera in your hand to capture the moment! Awww, one funny story to share among many more to come!
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