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Too Funny - A Must Read!

So, funny story to share with everyone! It's going to make you laugh, I know it did me. Kyle and I had gone to get Kayden's pictures taken today and after we finished up with the pictures Kayden had fallen asleep and was still asleep when we got home. Once Kayden woke up it was time to feed him, so Kyle got Kayden out of his car seat and realized how hot he was so we took of his pants to help him cool off. We got a bottle ready and Kyle sat down to feed Kayden. All of a sudden Kayden starts straining and we all know what he was doing, not only did his face tell all, but it was juicy, I know, too much information, but I'm just trying to set the scene for you guys. So, anyway, back to the story, Kyle moved his hand away from Kaydens thigh and that is when Kyle realized Kayden had blown out of his diaper and pooped on his hand. It gets funnier, not only had Kayden pooped on Kyle's hand, he also pooped on Kyle's jean and on the couch. One thing you should know about Kyle and that is from the first time we found out I was pregnant Kyle's fully expressed how terrified of poopy diapers he is, so for Kayden to poop on him is just too funny. Kyle was so disgusted, which to be honest, most people would be, but the look on Kyle's face made you wish you had a camera in your hand to capture the moment! Awww, one funny story to share among many more to come!

1 comment:

  1. Daddy's first blow out! I'm pretty sure more to come! LOLOLOLOLOL
    p.s. got to know did Daddy gag? LOL LOL
