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Kayden's First Trip to CA

We had a great time on our trip to Fullerton, CA. Kyle's Uncle John was getting married so we all went down to help celebrate. Kayden did awesome on the airplane, and trust me, Kyle and I were nervous, we didn't want to be those parents who's child cries the whole way, but turns out we didn't have to worry about anything, he slept pretty much the whole flight. Once we got down to CA Kayden did awesome also. He loved all the attention he was getting. Kyle and I enjoyed ourselves too. Had fun staying up late playing poker with all of the family and had fun listening to all of Aunt Joyce's stories, and I tell ya what, she has some good ones. She is 82 years old (but don't tell anyone! LOL) and has a good time sharing all of her stories from over the years. Overall it was a great trip and I'm sad to have had to leave. Can't wait to visit again.

1 comment:

  1. Hey ACE what a sweet litte guy you are. Uncle was so impressed on how happy & adorable you are. I sure had fun having you in my arms. Your little smile is a show stopper. Great Sissy & Great Unlce love you sooooooooooooooo very much! Give mommy & daddy tummy kisses for us ok.
    Love Sissy & Uncle :)
