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Kayden 6 Months!

Kayden's six month birthday was yesterday! I know I say this in almost every post, but he's getting so big, it's crazy. We go in on Thursday for his six month check up and I don't look forward to those at all. I love finding out his weight, heights and discussing his development, but I hate the shots, probably more than Kayden does. It is so hard to know he's going to be crying at the end of the appointment. Luckily it is only for a few minutes, but it still is hard for a parent to witness it. He takes one look at the nurse and starts crying, it's sad. He loves the dr though. He smiles like crazy at her and talks to her, it's fun to see, but as soon as the nurse arrives, it's back to tears. Poor guy and poor nurse. It must be an awful feeling knowing every time this kids sees you he cries! No one wants to make a kid cry.
We've had a good weekend, made some progress around the house. Yesterday we went and got Kayden's pictures taken and then went for a drive. The weather here was so nice that Kyle and I had to take advantage of it and get out there. So, we took a drive and then did some walking around, it was fun. Kayden had a good time also, he really enjoys being outside and looks awfully cool in his shades. He surprisingly doesn't try to remove them. Here are some pictures of Kayden in his shades and some taken on his six month birthday! Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to Kayden! :)
    He is cute especially the picture with the shades what a cool looking dude!

    Enjoy your time off I will see you next week I know you are not counting the time down ha!
