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Seven Months Yesterday

Kayden turned seven months yesterday! He's getting so big, he's rolling over, sitting up by himself, scooting all over the place and getting up on all fours and doing the rocking thing, the first and last step before crawling! It is amazing how fast he is growing and developing. He still only has his two bottom teeth, he's slobbering like crazy so I think his top teeth will be popping through soon, I've been saying that for a while now, eventually I'll be right! LOL
We recently started giving Kayden baths in the bath tub and no longer in the kitchen sink. Here is a picture of his first experience in the bath tub!
Kayden is also outgrowing his infant car seat and it about ready for the next size up, so there's also a picture of him trying it out for the first time! The next new thing that will be coming up is vegetables. We'll be trying those this weekend, so check back then to see his response to them!

1 comment:

  1. ACE you little scooter butt you are getting so big so fast!! Great Sissy & Great Uncle love you!!! OXOXOXOXOXXO
