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Kayden 10 Months!

Sorry for the delayed post, I've been pretty busy lately. Kayden turned 10 months on July 20th, almost a week ago. He is so much fun right now, he thinks he is pretty funny and laughs at himself, as well as others. Some of his favorite things are to play peek-a-boo and to walk with his lion. He has this little lion that he can either sit on and get pushed around on or you can make it to where he can hold onto a handle and walk behind it. He thinks that is pretty funny. He gets going pretty well on it too. On Sun. we went to our friend, Austin's, first birthday and had a really good time. Because the weather was so hot, our friends had their pool up and Kayden loved it! He couldn't get enough of it. We have a little pool and Kyle filled that up a couple days ago so I've put him in there the last day or two and he has a good ol' time.
Well, here are some pictures of him taken on his 10 month birthday and then some others of him playing in the pool at our friends house. Hope you enjoy.

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