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Cranky Kayden

Kayden has been sick for the last couple weeks and because of that he has been a bit cranky.  It started out with a fever and a cough so I decided to take him into the Dr.  Dr tells me it is just a virus and it will go away in a couple days.  So, almost a week passes and he still has a horrible cough and a fever, so I take him back in and he has a sinus infection so he is prescribed an antibiotic. 

A day and a half go by on that antibiotic and he develops hives, so the next day I take him back into the Dr.  He is allergic to the medicine, so he starts us on benadryl for the hives and a different antibiotic for the sinus infection, a couple days go by on that and he gets horrible diaper rash.  He screams and fights when it is time to change his diaper and by the fifth day or so he gets blisters on his little behind, just about killed me. 

So back into the Dr we go, only to discontinue that antibiotic and we start a new one because not only does he have the sinus infection he now has an ear infection.  Argh....So, thankfully we've been on this new medication for 4 or 5 days now and it seems to be working and there are no horrible side effects from it, YAHOO.  So, only 5 or 6 days left on it and he'll be back to new!  Can't wait for our house to be happy and healthy again.

Here are some pictures of Kayden throwing his fit this morning.

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