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Birch Bay for Mother's Day

I accidentally posted this on my craft blog, just click here.  Sorry guys, just click the link and it will redirect you to my craft blog.


Another Day of Playing Outside

We had another day with awesome weather.  We spent the afternoon at the park with some friends and had ourselves a picnic.  Really bummed out, amongst remembering the lunches, diaper bag, wallet, etc, I regretfully forgot my camera.  I was really bummed out about it.  :(  However, after we got home and Kayden woke up from his nap we were able to go back outside and play with Charlie in the yard and here are a few pictures from that!

We did all kinds of things today, including jump rope.  It is a lot of fun to watch Kayden jump rope.  He gets so proud of himself, even though he isn't actually doing it.  Note to self: get this on video.

 We got out the bubble maker today too.  Charlie and Kayden loved that, they could hardly wait for the bubbles to be released from the machine so they pop them!

  I just love this little guy!

We hope everyone had as nice of a day as we did!  I am just loving all this sunshine.

Charlie's 9th Birthday

We celebrated Charlie's 9th Birthday yesterday with a fun party and a family dinner at a local restaurant afterwards.  The kids had so much fun playing outside and running around.  The weather was a beautiful spring day, but the wind was very chilly!

We played games, kids played on the swing set and trampoline. overall, it was a great party and a great day.  I think Charlie had fun on her birthday!


Playing Outside

This past week we have had some nice days and some not so nice days.  I think it was Thursday when the rain didn't stop all day.  I mean down pouring rain.  Kyle went out to put the garbage cans by the curb and was soaking wet when he got inside, and it was like that all day.  Felt more like the fall than spring, but without the rain we can't enjoy the nice days.  So, thankfully the rain dried up and we were able to enjoy being outside. 

I don't remember which days we were able to play outside, but there were two days when the sun made an appearance and we were able to get outside to burn off some energy!  Kayden is so much happier when we can play outside and so is Mama!

Kayden of course is not at all into getting his picture taken!  I pull the camera out and he covers his face and screams, "No picture, no picture!"  I am hopeful that between playing in the sandbox and playing on the swing set that he forgets about the camera and I'm able to capture some great shots of him.  Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't!

He got mad here because he caught me sneaking a picture!

Here he is trying to cover his face, all the while yelling, "No picture, no picture."

If I can't see you, you can't see me!

Kayden loves bubbles, and he can't get enough of them sometimes.  He wanted to go to Nini and Papa's to feed the squirrels, but got distracted with the bubbles instead.

Papa and Kayden eating the peanuts that were intended for the squirrels.  LOL