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Another Day of Playing Outside

We had another day with awesome weather.  We spent the afternoon at the park with some friends and had ourselves a picnic.  Really bummed out, amongst remembering the lunches, diaper bag, wallet, etc, I regretfully forgot my camera.  I was really bummed out about it.  :(  However, after we got home and Kayden woke up from his nap we were able to go back outside and play with Charlie in the yard and here are a few pictures from that!

We did all kinds of things today, including jump rope.  It is a lot of fun to watch Kayden jump rope.  He gets so proud of himself, even though he isn't actually doing it.  Note to self: get this on video.

 We got out the bubble maker today too.  Charlie and Kayden loved that, they could hardly wait for the bubbles to be released from the machine so they pop them!

  I just love this little guy!

We hope everyone had as nice of a day as we did!  I am just loving all this sunshine.

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