When we first got there Kayden spun the wheel and got a handful of candy.
After the wheel Kayden tried throwing ping pong balls into glass jars. He ended up getting one in, but the rest didn't make it.
Once we were finished with that game we headed over to the inflatable slide! There was hardly anybody in line so that was nice. As you can see, Kayden refused to wear the part of his costume that actually made him look like a dog. He eventually agreed to wear it, but it took a while.
After the slide, Kayden wanted to go fishing. They had this, way too long, fishing pole for the kids to use and it was actual a bit dangerous. They had to throw the pole over the wall, but the line was so long it tended to go haywire and if you were too close it was possible you'd get hit! Luckily that didn't happen to any of us!
Golf came next! Needless to say, he didn't get a hole in one! Oh well, he still got candy!
After that we moved on to bowling. We went to this party with Charlie, Christy, Dean and Cindy, but because it was so crowded we ended up apart most of the time!
After bowling it was onto the cake walk! That was fun, but Kayden didn't win anything. Charlie did though! :)
And this is where Kayden finally put on his dog hat.
I think one of the last things we did was search for candy in hay. I really was against Kayden doing that, but he really wanted too, so we said ok. Kyle got in there and helped him look for it and that really helped with keeping the mess at a minimum and searching short!
We were finally able to meet up with my friend Shelley and her husband, Shane and their son, Blake. Here are a few pictures of Kayden and Blake together. How cute are they???
It was a miracle we were even able to get Kayden in his Halloween costume at all. He kept telling me it was for HAAALLLOOOOWEEENNN only. I really wanted him to wear it to the pumpkin patch, like he has done since he was a newborn, but nope, he wouldn't. Oh well, maybe next year!
We hope everyone enjoys their Halloween and any Halloween parties they might go to!