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Pumpking Carving

Well, yesterday was the day for PUMPKIN CARVING!  Kyle, Kayden and I started off the morning with going to the pumpkin patch, and although, we didn't get any pumpkins large enough to carve, we still had a fun time.

Once we got home we went over to Cindy's for our scheduled pumpkin carving party! Christy and Charlie joined us and we got started. Kayden had a lot of fun. This was the first year that he was really able to get into it. Fortunately, our garden this year produced enough pumpkins for us to have plenty of pumpkins to carve, unfortunately for those carving the pumpkins were almost all the way solid!

One of the two mini pumpkins produced no seeds at all, and the other small one had a few. The larger pumpkins had a handful more than the little one, but still not a ton. After some hard work, the pumpkins were all hollowed out and ready to carve!

 Which tool to use???  Choices, choices!
Here is one of the finished pumpkins.  It turned out cute and so is that cute face of Kayden's!  I love his "fake" smile. 

What, you don't think letting a three year old play with a power drill is a good idea???

Charlie worked so diligently on her pumpkin and because of Kayden's nap we weren't able to stick around to see it finished.  I will need to get a picture of all the pumpkins when they are glowing and post it!

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