We switched things up a bit this year. We have decided to stay home on Christmas now that Kayden is getting older. So, we invited people over to our house for brunch, which ended up being really nice. I may, or may have not, missed the traditional turkey dinner on Christmas...but that's what Thanksgiving is for, right? Right.
So, Kayden slept in a bit, getting up around 8:15, which was much appreciated.
He was so excited to see Santa came. I loved his expression when he saw the unwrapped blue hula hoop Santa brought. It was number two on his list of things he wanted from Santa.
Then he demonstrates the hula hoop...in his underwear of course.
Time to move on...to his stocking.
"Look, Santa left me Santa!" Yes, honey, he did.
Taco's, anyone? Santa brought a food set for when he wants to go to the grocery store and collect ingredients for dinner. Any night I don't have to cook, is a good night.
So excited to get a shark tent.
And this remote control firetruck was at the top of Kayden's list. So glad the big guy in the red suit fulfilled Kayden's wish. Thanks, Santa!
This much desired, remote control, firetruck can spray real water, but lets keep that between us, shall we?
Next up, a new family computer, or as Kayden says, "I got a puter".
We got Charlie 12.5 feet of dollar bills, which is equivalent to twenty five bucks, our limit on kiddos. She liked it.
Charlie got Kayden a Jake and the Neverland Pirates game. We played it four times in a row. Huge hit.
Nini and Papa got Charlie and Kayden these cool cars with re-design-able track. The kids love them.
And here is the final picture of Christmas. After everyone left Kayden wanted to put together a wooden airplane, a gift from my parents. Once the glue dried, we painted it.
We hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as we did.
Take a look back at memory lane, here are links to previous Christmas's. I, regretfully, didn't blog about 2012. :(