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Kids Craft

Each year for the past four years I have hosted a Kids Craft Event, and each year it is a huge success.

This year I broke it into two sessions, and gave the families their choice of  10:00 or 1:30, and it just happened to be an even break, six kids at 10:00 and six at 1:30.  And I think I will keep this method next year.

We made a cute Chinese Lantern inspired ornament.  They are really cute and fun to make.

Charlie showing off her beautiful dress before heading off with Nini to the Pacific Northwest Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker.

I, unfortunately, didn't get a pictures of the first group together.  Wrangling three to five year olds is more difficult than gathering six to nine year olds.  And I know I mentioned there was two groups of six, but at the last minute we had one family cancel, so the last group ended up being a group of four. 
I really do look forward to this even each year.  It's been fun watching some kids grow from needing help to being totally independent and capable of doing it on their own.  

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