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Happy Valentines day!

We hope everyone enjoyed their Valentines day!

We spent our day chasing date after date. :). It started off meeting Kyle for an extended lunch, followed by ice cream.

Once we were home, Kayden and I played with his new playdoh! This kid LOVES playdoh right now. We made pancakes, snakes, strawberries, cut out stars and letters of the alphabet, and made Monkey some food. It was rather fun!

Once we were done with playdoh we made homemade heart-shaped peanut butter cups. Yum and super easy!

At dinner time we headed over to Cindy and Jim's house for BBQ steaks and chicken, yummy potatoes, salad and rolls. Dinner was delicious! And we topped it off with the homemade pb cups and the yummy red velvet cream cheese brownies Cindy made.

We hope everyone had a great Valentines day!

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