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Dying Easter Eggs!

We didn't get around to getting Easter eggs dyed until the night before Easter, but it was well worth the wait since the weather was so nice and we were able to do it on Jim and Cindy's back deck again this year.  Kayden was really into the process this year and was so excited to see the dyed egg that he couldn't wait to pull the eggs out of the dye and see what they looked like.  Many of the eggs are a faint, pale color, barely able to see there is dye on them at all.

Charlie also had fun and really enjoyed being able to have her new puppy, Ranger, with her to watch!Ranger was pretty tired so he slept a good part of the process.

Kayden was so exhausted after a birthday party earlier in the day and dying eggs that he slept until 10:15 on Easter morning.  That NEVER happens and will likely never happen again until he is a teenager!

Then after dying eggs we ate a yummy dinner at Jim and Cindy's house! It was a great end of the night to a busy day.

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