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Fathers' Day 2013

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads. 

We had a great Father's Day weekend.  No plans for most of the weekend and it was so enjoyable.  Yesterday Kyle, Kayden and myself went out on our, new-to-us, ten foot Livingston boat.  We took it out on a small, nearby lake called, Lake Fenwick.  The boys tried hard to catch fish, but they had no luck, BUT the great thing about a three year old is that his happiness doesn't depend on catching fish, it depends on spending the day in a boat...with his dad...and his mom...and a fishing pole.

Then today we woke up and the boys, Kyle, Kayden and Jim, went out fishing again.  Then once they returned we just hung out around the house until our bbq at Jim and Cindy's, which was yummy, then we ended the day with s'mores, yummy again!

We hope everyone enjoyed their Father's Day. 

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