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Teacher Conference

Kayden has his parent/teacher conference today and it went extremely well.  His teachers, Mrs. Conklin and Mrs. Earlywine said Kayden is such a sweet kid, which I already knew, he is an excellent helper, which, again, I already knew, and that he is considerate of other kids and their feelings.  I'm so grateful for this news.  We have struggles at home, so to know he does really well at school makes me feel better.  You always hope your child will behave and be considerate while at other peoples homes, in public and at school, so to learn they are such a pleasure to have in class is comforting, makes you feel like maybe you are doing something correct as a parent.  Something that isn't always to apparent or obvious. 

His teacher also said that he is sensitive, his feelings get hurt when another student won't share with him or won't play with him, but that he is learning to use his words more or to find a different solution to the problem, such as finding something/one else to play with.  His problem solving skills are improving and I'm happy about that.  Getting him to communicate while upset is something that we need to work on at home, he shuts down easily and finds it hard to explain how he is feeling.  Time will help us with this.

She also mentioned that Kayden is right on track academically, and socially.  His fine motor skills (throwing and catching a ball, jumping, hoping on one foot, etc) are right where they should be.

I'm excited to see what the rest of the year will bring and to see his progress at the end of the year.

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