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Purple Belt Promotion

Back in December, before Christmas break, Kayden got promoted to a Purple belt in karate!  I love watching these ceremonies and am very proud of him for working so hard.  Since his belt ceremony he has been promoted to the Juniors class, from the Lil' Ninja's class and is loving it!  The class is a group of 7+ year olds, but since Kayden has been a Lil' Ninja for over a year and doing well at it they promoted him to the Junior's class early.  He is super excited about it and really loves it! 



Kayden has established a liking for taking pictures.  It isn't uncommon for him to walk around the house with my camera taking very random pictures.  When I download the pictures onto my computer I have no idea what will pop up, which is actually fun.  He has even managed to get a selfie, which isn't easy with a big camera, turned backwards.  The pictures are rarely in focus, but his cute face still manages to shine through.

Here are the ones I wanted to showcase! 


Saint Edwards State Park

The weekend before last, the boys wanted to play with their RC cars they received for Christmas, so we headed up to a local state park and the boys got to play.  It was a rather sunny day, and not terribly cold for this time of year, so it was a perfect day to get out and get some fresh air and watch the boys play.

If I remember right, it is over 300 acres, has view points of Lake Washington, a large play area for the kids, and many hills and grassy areas for RC cars to zip through.  If you're interested in learning more you can click here.

 Abandoned Seminary.
 Kayden controlling his RC car with great precision.
It was a great day spent outside, something we don't get to do too often this time of year in our neck of the woods.


Happy Halloween...Thanksgiving...and Merry Christmas

Well, I kinda skipped out on all the holidays this year, didn't I?  I did capture some of them on camera, but honestly things have been busy and I haven't had my camera out much.

So, here are some pictures I've taken from Halloween and Christmas. 

I'll add the Christmas pictures later. :)

Here are the Christmas pics.

Kayden was super excited to put up the tree this year.  I no longer can say I've never put our tree up Thanksgiving weekend.

 We spent Christmas Eve at Grammie and Papa's house, and he got some pretty cool things!

Christmas day was spent at our house, Cindy, Jim, Christy and my cousin, Tana came over and it was a nice mellow day.  Kayden didn't get up early, if I remember right it was about 8:00.  I know our years of getting up early are right around the corner so I savored this years 8:00 wake up time!  We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!