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Happy Halloween...Thanksgiving...and Merry Christmas

Well, I kinda skipped out on all the holidays this year, didn't I?  I did capture some of them on camera, but honestly things have been busy and I haven't had my camera out much.

So, here are some pictures I've taken from Halloween and Christmas. 

I'll add the Christmas pictures later. :)

Here are the Christmas pics.

Kayden was super excited to put up the tree this year.  I no longer can say I've never put our tree up Thanksgiving weekend.

 We spent Christmas Eve at Grammie and Papa's house, and he got some pretty cool things!

Christmas day was spent at our house, Cindy, Jim, Christy and my cousin, Tana came over and it was a nice mellow day.  Kayden didn't get up early, if I remember right it was about 8:00.  I know our years of getting up early are right around the corner so I savored this years 8:00 wake up time!  We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years!

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