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Dirt Bike Riding

I've gotten so behind on updating the blog... so sad.  I was creating this blog to chronicle our family adventures and showcase Kayden as he grows and learns knew skills, and I was great in the beginning, updating somewhat often and definitely keeping things in order, but over the last year or two I've fallen so far behind.  I can blame it on many things...being busy (but who isn't?), going back to work this year, so many extra activities Kayden is involved in, and of course the normal work load of house work and errands, but I have decided to do my best at updating the blog more often.  I have looked at the blog many times over the years and it has reminded me of activities and/or adventures we have done that I had since forgotten about, so I want to make sure I put in more efforts doing updates from this point forward.

Now, I'll resume with the normal content.

Kayden is HEAVY into dirt bike riding.  I always tell people, "he likes soccer, he likes baseball, but he LOVES dirt bike riding."  He is my adventure seeking, adrenaline junky boy and I love that he has a passion and has found something he loves so much.  His skills on the dirt bike have grown so much over the last couple months, and even more dramatically over the couple years.

He recently has earned a couple first place trophies and several others in different placements.  He is never too tired to ride and no matter how hard he falls, he gets back up to ride the next ride.  He is amazing and I love watching him gain confidence in his abilities and skills.

Take a look for yourself.

Pictures speak for themselves, wouldn't ya say?

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