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Green Belt Leader in the House!

I feel safer at night...what can I say, we have a green belt leader in the house!  Whoop whoop.

Kayden had his belt ceremony for martial arts this week and he rocked it.  He was able to bring the Professor down to the ground and did it all while having a smile on his face.

We were in danger of him not getting past a green belt when he was promoted to the Advanced Junior class at his last ceremony, and he was refusing to go.  But we worked through it, did a bit of a rewards chart with the school, and are now mostly happy to go twice a week.  I do have to admit, its a bit of a struggle just because of the time of day it is, right in the middle of dinner time, so it can make for a long night, but we power through and Kayden really does enjoy it.  He is smiling through the whole 45 minute class and has learned so much over the almost three years he has been doing martial arts.  I really hope he can power through and earn his black belt, imagine how safe I would feel then!

I'm so proud of this little guy.

See that black stripe on his belt?  That is the identifying factor telling "leaders" from "non leaders".  This is his second leader belt, I believe his first one was a Blue Belt Leader.

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