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3 Months Old Today!

Hey there, hope everyone is doing well. Today is Kayden's three month birthday, it's hard to believe how big he's getting and how fast it goes. It's crazy to me and I don't look forward to how fast it will continue to go. I wish we could just freeze him and keep him three months old forever, he's at a really fun stage right now. He's discovering new things, some of his favorite things are to play on the floor and to suck on his fists. If I didn't know better I'd say his fists had some flavor or something. He's still doing really well with sleeping at night. He usually only gets up once, but I'm still working on getting him to sleep by himself. He doesn't like to sleep on his back and I'm too afraid to put him in the bassinet or his crib on his stomach, so I've been having him sleep with Kyle and me. It's a bad habit, but I'm just not ready to let him sleep on his stomach without some kind of supervision.
Kyle and I are really excited for Christmas this year, should be a lot of fun. Hope everyone is enjoying season and are staying warm!
Here are some pictures of Kayden taken today, on his three month birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Wow how fast the time flys! Look how cute your tummy is ACE and what a hansome smile. Great Sissy is sending you tummy kisses!!!!! oxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
