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Getting So Big!

Kayden is getting so big, it's crazy! We went to the dr. last week and he's 12 lbs and 24 1/2 inches. He's smiling so much, especially in the mornings, he's very much a morning baby. He gets that trait from his Dad, definitely, not me! Anyone that knows me, knows I need a couple hours before I'm ready to chit chat and be happy! He's almost sleeping through the night. He gets up once between 5 and 6, I feed him and change him then it's back to bed until 8 or 9, so we really have a good sleeper on our hands. Now, if only I could get him to sleep on his own the nights would be that much more pleasant! One day, right? :) Here are some pictures of his beautiful smile and some of him taking a bath. He's not so sure about the whole bath thing yet. He doesn't cry, but he doesn't really like it either. It probably doesn't help that mom and dad are new at this and still learning which techniques work! One day we'll have it all figured out and then it will be time for him to bathe himself! :) Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. Kyle and I are really looking forward to Christmas this year, we've got the lights up outside and will have the decorations inside up this week. It's going to be a lot of fun!

1 comment:

  1. What a happy little guy you are ACE! Tummy kisses for you!!!!!!!!!!!
