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First Dentist Appointment

Kayden had his first dentist appointment today and it went well.  Kayden wasn't so sure about it though.  We got there and the hygienist brought us back to the room and Kayden was super nervous, he didn't want anything to do with the hygienist.  We sat in the chair and he kept moving his head in the opposite direction of the hygienist.  I was a bit nervous the Dr wouldn't be able to get a looksie at his teeth either. 

Luckily though, once the Dr came in, Kayden was shy for a minute then warmed up and let him look at his
little teeth.  They all look healthy and the way they should.  So, I am thankful for that.  He is getting one of his upper 2 year molars, which I knew, but the other, and final one, should be in shortly.  I will be happy when teething is over.

Once our 3 minute appointment was over Kayden got a toothbrush and got to pick out a toy from the toy box!  He got a glow stick, and couldn't wait to open it.  Too cute.

I hope Kayden gets comfortable with the dentist and doesn't dread going, like Kyle and I do.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

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