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We hope everyone had a GREAT Turkey Day, we sure did.  We stayed home and cooked and enjoyed our family.  It was fun.  Kayden had a WONDERFUL time with Aunt Donna, she is just a big kid herself!  It was a lot of fun to see them giggle together and play together.  I thought for sure Kayden would sleep in until 7 today from all the running around with Aunt Donna, but nope, he was up at 5:45!  Oh, well.

We were suppose to eat dinner at 3, but it was a little delayed because the turkey wasn't done cooking.  Ooops...No one minded waiting for the turkey though, no one was interested in eating a raw one, so we gave it about another 45 minutes and then enjoyed it when it was cooked through.

We all enjoyed having each other around for the Thanksgiving Dinner.  It is great to have such a wonderful family.

Here are some pictures of our Turkey Day!  Hope everyone enjoyed theirs.

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